1,400 sq2 Cleantech Hub Research Facility where crystallographic structure, purity, high-temperature behavior and thermo-electric properties of materials can be quantitatively measured
Bruker D8 Advanced with DaVinci Powder X-Ray Diffractometer including high temperature capability (<2000 ÂșC)
Bruker SENTERRA II Raman Microscope Spectrometer
Netzsch SBA 458 Seebeck Coefficient and Electrical Conductivity Analyzer
Netzsch LFA 467 HyperFlash Thermal Diffusivity Analyzer
Agilent 8890 Gas Chromatography and Jeol JMSC Q1500 Mass Spectrometry System
XRD-Mill McCrone, Milling Equipment
For availability and fees, please contact Lukas Bichler and Ayse Alemdar Thomson.
Nanotechnology Lab (1600 ft2)
- Battery pilot line for standard pouch cells and supercapacitors
- Ambient lab dedicated to developing electrode materials, slurry, and electrolytes
- Nanomaterial synthesis and modification, and 3D printing
- Screen printing, slot-die and spray coating systems for perovskite solar cells
Material characterization Lab (1600 ft2)
- Coin-cell and pouch-cell lifetime testing
- Optoelectronic properties, performance and stability testing of perovskite/CIGS tandem devices
- Mechanical, physical and electrical testing of materials
Metal casting and Materials Lab (600 ft2)
- Abrasion resistant metallic casting and sintering
- Lightweight aluminum-rare earth specialty alloys development